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Summer at the pool to look a little different
April 30, 2024

The 2024 summer is going to look a little different for the 50-meter pool at Juniper Swim & Fitness Center. The roof panels will remain in place while an updated solution is researched for a future improvement project in the years ahead.
To maintain an open-air, outdoor pool environment during the summer season, the gable end panels and all side openings will be removed as has been our seasonal tradition.
The condition of the 26-year-old structure, including roof panels and the framework, has deteriorated with repeated exposure to winter and summer conditions to the point that they may not be able to be reinstalled again if removed.
The 50-meter pool will continue to operate year-round and function as an open-air outdoor pool during the summer months. Activities will be scheduled consistently with past years and will not be affected by the roof structure.
What is happening with the pool cover this summer?
The roof panels will remain in place this summer while the gable end panels and all side openings will be removed as has been our seasonal tradition. With the adjustment, activities will continue uninterrupted in the pool.
Will there be any impacts on pool use this summer?
No. The 50-meter pool will continue to operate year-round and function as an open-air outdoor pool during the summer months. Activities will be scheduled consistently with past years and will not be affected by the roof structure.
One advantage of keeping the roof panels in place is that pool closures for transitions will be minimal and can be scheduled with limited lead time when the weather changes. Another benefit will be UV protection and shade for skin health.
Why the change?
Central Oregon’s extreme seasonal conditions have resulted in wear and tear on the pool cover and frame structure that were first installed 26 years ago. Also, the installation and removal process has become increasingly difficult, resulting in safety concerns and damage to panels. Safety for staff and patrons is a top priority and has been weighed in this decision.
Due to these factors, we believe it is prudent to leave the panels in place this summer and not risk the potential of not being able to enclose the pool for the next winter.
What is the longer-term solution?
Staff is researching and planning for the future enclosure of the pool. We are currently researching options that provide various levels of indoor/outdoor options.
The experience this summer of operating the pool as a covered but open-air facility will help inform future decisions. We will also ask for input on the patron experience and operations to inform a future improvement project.
How can I provide feedback?
We encourage you to experience the partial open-air conditions first and then share your thoughts later this Fall. We believe this will help us all better understand the advantages and disadvantages of this environmental condition. This will be important in informing future plans for the pool.
If you wish to share feedback earlier than the fall, Sue Glenn, recreation manager, can be reached at, or Julie Brown, community engagement director, at