Bend Park and Recreation District

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Summary of Sept. 17 board of directors meeting
September 19, 2024

The BPRD board of directors honored two retiring staff members, met many new staff members and learned about the trail counter program at the Sept. 17 meeting. A video recording of the meeting is available.
The board also heard about the updated strategic plan that will serve as the guiding document for district priorities over the next five years.
Honoring Don Horton and Theresa Albert
The board of directors honored Outgoing Executive Director Don Horton and Human Resources Director Theresa Albert for their years of service to the district. Both Horton and Albert retire on Oct. 1 after 22 years and 19 years respectively in their roles.
“I have worked for 38 years in the public sector and this was without a doubt the best experience I’ve ever had,” said Albert. “Don and I have accomplished a lot together and were a strong and effective team. Thank you to the board for your support and professionalism throughout my time at the district.”
Director Nathan Hovekamp spoke about accomplishments and growth of the park district over the past two decades while honoring Horton.
“We have a simply awesome system of parks, trails and recreation built on a solid foundation and curated over the past 22 years,” said Hovekamp.
The recognition concluded with standing ovations for both retiring employees.
Trail counter program
In work session, staff shared information about its trail counters. BPRD began a formal trail counter program in 2014 using infrared counters to tally trail users along numerous trails around the district. The district owns 28 counters at 30 locations, and data is retrieved regularly and uploaded to a web-based program where reports can be generated using various charts, graphs and tables.
- The Deschutes River Trail has experienced consideration increase in use from 2022 to 2024, particularly near Pacific Park’s new undercrossing and boardwalk connection to Drake Park
- The Colorado Underpass, the highest total use by any trail counter, had its peak day on July 4 each of the last three years
- Shevlin Park trail use peaks in July and October, likely due to summer weather and fall color changes
Strategic plan
The district’s strategic plan provides the framework for how the district will serve the community and its staff through internal operations over a defined period of time. The previous strategic plan was completed in June 2024, and staff have been preparing the next edition that will serve for 2024-2029.
Staff requested feedback from the board on the draft plan in order to finalize the plan in advance of scheduled board action on the plan on October 15, 2024.
The next board of directors meeting is Oct. 1, 2024.