Summary of Oct. 15 board of directors meeting

October 16, 2024

At the Oct. 15 meeting, the BRPD board of directors approved the strategic plan for the next five years, and moved forward with key river access development projects. A video recording of the meeting is available.

Strategic Plan

The board of directors adopted the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan. The document provides the framework for how the district will serve the community and its staff through internal operations over a defined period of time. District staff reviewed the draft at the Sept. 17 board meeting, and provided the opportunity for feedback on the plan by the board and public. Changes to the plan were made based upon feedback received.

Miller’s Landing project

The board awarded a construction contract for Miller’s Landing park. Miller’s Landing Park is a 4.5-acre community park and one of 16 district-owned or managed parks along the Deschutes River. The district’s 2021 Deschutes River Access and Habitat Restoration Plan identified a high priority project at Miller’s Landing Park to improve the existing access points and restore habitat.

The new design at Miller’s Landing focuses on improved river access for boaters and river users with mobility restrictions by redeveloping the boardwalk. Additionally, the access point at the north end of the park will be improved for swimming, wading and slower-current water recreation. Construction is anticipated to begin at the end of 2024 with completion by late spring of 2025.

Combined Miller’s Landing, McKay and Columbia parks

The board approve an amendment to the Professional Services Contract for McKay, Miller’s Landing and Columbia Parks River Access Project. This is expected to be the final amendment for this project, to provide technical support necessary for the construction administration portion of the design. This is the final phase of the design work for the Miller’s Landing project.

Recreation report

The Recreation Department shared its annual recreation report, summarizing a full program year (September-August). The report included demographic information on who we are serving and strategic plan performance measurements in addition to the metrics used in the seasonal reports.

  • There were just under 1.3 million visits to the recreation facilities: Juniper Swim & Fitness Center, Larkspur Community Center and The Pavilion.
  • 32,000+ people served in organized recreation activities.
  • There were 473,000 program visits to registration recreation programs with most visits for sports leagues and camps and Kids Inc.
  • 40% of older adults 65-85 years old served. There are more than 5,000 Medicare plan facility pass holders who are older adults in the community.
  • More than 80% of school-age youth participated in at least one registration program in the past year.
  • Approximately $720,000 was allocated in scholarship funds to more than 2,000 households approved for scholarship.

In addition, the board receives four seasonal reports. These reports, which are distributed in the board meeting packets, include ongoing metrics and trends related to facility use, program enrollment, capacity, scholarship use and financial performance.

System development charges project list and ordinance

As part of the midterm comprehensive plan update, the district is updating its system development charges project (SDC) list. The updated SDC calculations and project list will be documented in a report that describes the methodological steps and assumptions used to determine the SDC-eligible project costs and fee schedule.

Also, the existing ordinance will be reviewed for housekeeping and other changes needed to align with any needed clarification and evolving legal requirements. Findings will be reviewed with the board beginning in late December and early January for board approval, prior to the FY2025-2026 fee setting.

The next meeting is a joint meeting with the Bend City Council on Oct. 29 at city hall.