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Summary of May 7 board of directors meeting
May 8, 2024

A video recording of the May 7 BPRD board of directors meeting is available.
Sponsorship policy
Julie Brown, community engagement director, presented a draft policy to replace a 2011 version. The updated policy establishes guidelines and criteria to be used in evaluating and agreeing to a sponsorship relationship. This policy is intended to help ensure that the district and community is better served as a result of the collaboration.
The board discussed the draft policy and asked for additions to be made before an upcoming meeting.
Revised SDC fee schedule for next fiscal year
The district’s annual system development charges (SDC) fee schedule adjustment becomes effective on July 1 of each year. The timing of the decision regarding the fee adjustment is sequenced to correspond with the district’s annual budget process and to inform the city of Bend and Deschutes County of SDC fee changes in a timely manner.
The recommended 2024-25 fee adjustment increase of 3.81% for fiscal year 2024-25 is due to the combined effect of:
- an increase in Bend land values (7.93%) combined with
- an increase in the ENR 20-city construction cost index (2.58%)
The board adopted Resolution No. 2024-04, providing for a revised SDC Fee Schedule effective July 1, 2024, and aligning the single-family tiers and multi-family with City’s SDC tiers.
Strategic plan update
Staff presented a status update on the next Strategic Plan. The new plan will be completed in-house and staff anticipates the 2024 Strategic Plan will be ready for board action in October 2024.
The plan is currently in phase 2 of the plan development – staff and board feedback. To gather this feedback, the Strategic Plan development team distributed a district-wide survey that had over 200 staff members participate, hosted two focus groups with the BPRD leadership team, two focus groups with the BPRD executive team and one focus group with the board.
Staff presentation
JoAnna Edwards, information specialist in Park Services, presented a capstone project she completed as part of the Oregon Recreation and Parks Association (ORPA) Leadership Academy. The academy is a seven-month program designed to provide competencies in leadership skills for park and recreation professionals. The topic of the research was criteria for evaluating electric and gas-powered equipment.
The next meeting is the budget committee meeting on May 14.