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Summary of June 4 board of directors meeting
June 6, 2024

The BPRD board of directors conducted its annual budget-related duties by adopting the Capital Improvement Plan and Annual Budget, as well as imposing tax rates for the upcoming fiscal year. A video recording is available.
Capital Improvement Plan
The district’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) identifies and summarizes all approved and proposed district capital expenditures and revenue sources for a period of five years into the future. The board of directors revises and adopts the district’s five-year CIP during the annual budget process.
The 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan (begins on page 19) totals $79,729,023 in planned capital expenditures. $50,629,098 (64%) is funded with System Development Charge revenues, $19,992,173 (25%) is funded with property tax revenues, and $9,107,752 (11%) is funded with alternative funding.
2024-25 Annual Budget
The Proposed 2024-25 Budget was made public May 3, 2024 and presented at the Budget Committee May 14, 2024. The State of Oregon Local Budget Law requires a public hearing be held to discuss the budget as approved by the Bend Park and Recreation District Budget Committee. There were no public comments made and the hearing was closed.
Next, the board of directors adopted the budget, made appropriations, and imposed and categorized the taxes.
The district’s Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget shows a balanced budget with healthy reserves for planned future projects and maintaining assets. The proposed budget is anticipating $51.5 million in revenues and $53.5 million in expenditures for total budgeted requirements of $106.5 million, which includes contingencies and reserves.
The 2024-25 budget will support 297 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees for $26 million and has $15 million in capital spending.
Revenues for the district are expected to increase by $3.2 million, a 7% increase over last year’s budget due to growth in property taxes and SDCs along with growing programming.
Expenditures for the district’s proposed budget are projected to decrease by $4.5 million, an 8% decrease compared to last year’s budget. The decrease is mainly in capital spending with large projects that are in the planning phase. Personnel and operating expenditures each saw a 3% increase.
Staff retirements
To begin the meeting, staff and the board of directors recognized Rich Ekman, Greg Brady and Jeff Hagler. They are long-time BPRD employees who will retire on July 1.
The board also approved an updated sponsorships policy on a consent agenda.
The next meeting is July 2.