Summary of Jan. 16 board of directors meeting
January 17, 2024

The BPRD board of directors amended its public contracting rules and its agreement for the Riverfront Street improvement project, and accepted a gift for lighting pickleball courts at the Jan. 16 meeting. A video recording is available.
Public contracting rules
The board of directors adopted Resolution No. 2024-01, which amends the district’s public contracting rules. Changes to the public contracting rules include:
- escalating the Executive Director’s contract approval authority from $120,000 to $250,000 in alignment with the state’s new formal solicitation threshold for goods and services, and the increased cost of doing business;
- removes unnecessary restatement of administrative rule to keep the rules in alignment with administrative rule as they are changed; and
- updated class special procurements which better reflect the district’s current needs and the marketplace.
Riverfront Street project
In 2023, the district entered into an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with the city of Bend for the redevelopment of Riverfront Street to enhance trail connectivity between Miller’s Landing Park and Drake Park.
The district committed $703,604 in system development charge funding towards this project. The board of directors approved a staff recommended amendment that increases the proportion of these funds used for design versus construction. The need for additional city funds or other funding sources will be determined based on updated cost estimates created during the design phase of this project. The district has agreed to help the city apply for grants or other funding sources for construction. A contract award is scheduled for consideration by the city council on Jan. 17.
Pickleball lights
The board accepted community donations totaling $40,000 to purchase and install lights at the pickleball courts at Pine Nursery Community Park. The cost of the lights and related equipment will be 100% funded through the donations. The district is contributing in-kind services (valued at approximately $20,000) toward the project by completing the installation of the lights with district staff.
Trail planning update
In the most recent community needs survey, Bend residents again ranked soft surface trails and hard surface trails as the #1 and #5 most important park and recreation needs, respectively. Soft surface and hard surface trails also rank as the #1 and #3 most used facilities in the park system. These results are consistent with past community needs surveys. Staff have been working to advance the highest priority trail projects and to develop additional portions of the planned trail system through private land development as opportunities arise. The work session presentation provided a review of current projects as well as significant trail gaps and the opportunities and constraints to completing them.
Strategic planning
The 2024 Strategic Plan will be developed in-house, with minimal expenditures associated with hosting feedback meetings with district staff and the board. Once approved, the 2024 Strategic Plan will guide the district’s future investments in a variety of key focus areas. The draft is anticipated to be considered for approval by the board in fall 2024.
Integrated pest and weed management
Staff shared information about the district’s tiered approach to controlling weeds. This approach includes a multitude of control strategies from initial park design, maintenance practices, to limited herbicide use. More weed management information is online.
To begin the meeting, the board was introduced to a staff member beginning a new position, and honored a long-time BPRD employee who is retiring next week. Sue Boettner is the recreation manager and has been with the district for 22 years. During her tenure, she’s made significant impacts to recreation programs, outreach, Art Station and Bend Senior Center.
The next meeting is a board workshop to begin the budget process on Feb. 2 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.