
Aspen Hall

18920 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend, OR 97701, USA

Haga clic para ver el video en español.

Aspen Hall is located in Shevlin Park. The Hall’s idyllic setting and spacious grounds serve as a wonderful venue for events, from weddings to corporate meetings. The Hall’s lodge-like feel features exposed ceiling beams, wood framed windows, and a large wood burning fireplace. The spacious kitchen makes it easy to handle food preparation and cooking of large meals. Doors open out onto a beautiful patio, towering pines, grassy lawns, and Shevlin Pond. In this quiet, serene location, you won’t believe you’re only four miles from downtown Bend.


  • 150 black folding chairs
  • 25 folding banquet tables (8’ x 2.5’)
  • 2 folding banquet tables (4’ x 2.5’)
  • 1 child’s highchair
  • Large kitchen
  • Stone fireplace for non-summer months (November – March)
  • Fishing pond (17 and under)

To learn more, download the Aspen Hall Rental Packet.

Para obtener más información, descargue la Guía para Reserva Aspen Hall.

Person(s) renting Aspen Hall must be at least 21 years of age.

  1. Check the online Rental Calendar for availability.
  2. Complete the Rental Hall Request Form / Solicitud de Reserva de Salones
  3. Please allow at least two business days for BPRD to review request forms. Once reviewed, BPRD will contact the primary patron listed with further information and next steps for booking. All request forms are responded to in the order they are received.

Reservations can be made up to 18 months in advance and no less than seven days in advance.

If multiple facility request forms are submitted prior to 9:00 AM on the exact date 18 months in advance, they will be entered into a lottery system. BPRD staff will process the lottery requests and notify requestors within 48 hours of submission date.

  • Seven days a week
  • 9:00 am – 11:00 pm; early entry is not permitted
  • 3 hour rental minimum
  • Setup and cleanup are to be accounted for in rental duration
  • Fri-Sun full day rental only; hourly rentals allowed 30 days before event date

150 guests, reception style set-up.

Primary Season: April through October

Full Day
Full Day
Commercial ID $175.00 $2,250.000 $2,750.00
Commercial OD $210.00 $2,700.00 $3,300.00
Private ID $150.00 $1,900.00 $2,150.00
Private OD $180.00 $2,280.00 $2,580.00
$90.00 $1,100.00 $1,300.00


Winter Season: November through March

Full Day
Full Day
Commercial ID $150.00 $2,000.00 $2,300.00
Commercial OD $180.00 $2,400.00 $2,760.00
Private ID $130.00 $1,650.00 $1,850.00
Private OD $156.00 $1,980.00 $2,220.00
$75.00 $900.00 $1,100.00


ID = In-District Resident Fee • OD = Out-of-District Fee. Learn more about the district boundary and out-of-district fees policy.

Questions? Contact:

Rentals & Events


Para servicios en español:

Erika Pereda
Rental and Event Specialist
Email Erika Pereda

Open houses at Aspen Hall are scheduled on the following dates and times. Please come by at any point during that time to tour the venue.

  • 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM on 4/12 – canceled, we apologize for any inconvenience
  • 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM on 4/13, 4/30, 5/29
  • 3:00 to 5:00 PM on 4/2

If you are unable to attend an open house, please email FacilityRentals@bendparksandrec.org or call (541) 706-6149 to set up your tour.

Refunds for cancellations are issued as followed:

  • Full refund (less the booking deposit) of the rental fee up to 91 days prior to the event.
  • No refund of the rental fee within 90 days of the event date.


18920 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend, OR 97701, USA (Directions)

Contact Information

For more information, please contact

Rentals & Events

Tel: (541) 706-6149

Email: FacilityRentals@bendparksandrec.org

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    How do I schedule a tour of Aspen Hall?

    Open houses at Aspen Hall are currently scheduled on the following dates and times. Please come by at any point during that time to tour the venue.

    • 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM on 4/13, 4/30, 5/29
    • 3:00 to 5:00 PM on 4/2

    If you are unable to attend an open house, please email FacilityRentals@bendparksandrec.org or call (541) 706-6149 to set up your tour.

    How do I make a reservation?

    Review the ‘How To Rent’ tab (above).

    What is included in my reservation?

    Renters have exclusive use of Aspen Hall and the adjacent patio area during the scheduled rental time. Because Aspen Hall is in a public park, the renter may not deny access to patrons using park trails or Shevlin Pond. However, people are generally respectful of events in progress.

    Renters have use of 150 black folding chairs, 25 banquet tables (8’ x 2.5’), commercial grade kitchen, and cleaning supplies.

    Renters are responsible for set-up, takedown, and clean-up of their reservation. There is no A/V equipment, bridal suite, coffee pots, plates or utensils. For more detailed information on what is included in the reservation, please see the Aspen Hall Rental Packet / la Guía para Reserva Aspen Hall.

    Is a rehearsal possible before the event?

    Rehearsal time can be scheduled for an additional cost, pending availability of the facility. Please contact the Rentals Division to discuss possibilities for rehearsal.

    Where do I purchase insurance for my event?

    Insurance can be purchased from a number of special event insurance vendors, or sometimes it can be added onto an existing personal/commercial policy. Please see the Rental Insurance Requirements/Requisitos de Cobertura Seguros Para Reservas

    for more information.

    Can I serve alcohol at my event?

    Yes. Alcohol may be served and requires the following:

    1. A certificate of insurance that covers Host Liquor Liability.
    2. Adherence to OLCC and City of Bend regulations.

    Is there a bridal suite at Aspen Hall?

    No. At this time, there is no bridal suite at Aspen Hall. Renters are welcome to park a motorhome/trailer in the parking area adjacent to the facility if they wish to get ready on-site.

    Does Aspen Hall have audio/visual (A/V) equipment?

    No. Aspen Hall does not have A/V equipment, but there are plenty of power outlets throughout the facility.

    Am I required to use preferred vendors?

    No. Renters may use the vendor of their choice. BPRD does not have a preferred vendors list, but a list of area vendors familiar with Aspen Hall is available upon request. Please contact the Rentals Division.

    How early can I get into Aspen Hall for my reservation?

    You have access to the building only during your scheduled reservation time. Early entry is not permitted. BPRD custodians need ample time to clean the facility in preparation for your event. Please be respectful of our staff and adhere to your scheduled reservation time.

    Aspen Hall can be reserved between the hours of 9:00 am – 11:00 pm. Your reservation start and end time should account for time needed to set-up and clean-up the facility.

    Can I play amplified sound or music during my event?

    While we discourage extended use of amplified sound outside during events to respect park neighbors and patrons, amplified sound may be used outside, so long as you follow the park rules. Music may be restricted should it conflict with other park or area reservations or building use.

    Can I use the fireplace?

    Renters may use the fireplace from November through March. Firewood is available for use, but renters must bring their own paper, kindling, and matches to start a fire.

    Can I put a tent up outside?

    Tents and canopies may be set up on the patio and/or adjacent lawn. They must be anchored by water barrels or sand bags. The use of stakes in the ground is prohibited.

    How much do I need to clean up after my event?

    Renters are responsible for returning Aspen Hall to pre-event condition and cleanliness. Cleaning supplies needed are provided by BPRD and kept in the men’s restroom closet at Aspen Hall. Please download the Facility Cleaning Requirements / Requisitos de Lipieza en Los Salones de BPRD for more information. Please practice the “leave no trace” principles the same as you would in our parks and on our trails.

    Can I leave items overnight?

    Yes and No. All personal items must be removed from the facility at the end of the event. You may not leave any items inside the facility, unless you have also reserved the following day. Items needed to be picked up by a vendor may be placed outside of the facility and left overnight, but must be removed from the premises by 7:00 am the following morning.

    Is there parking at Aspen Hall?

    Parking for Aspen Hall is shared by Shevlin Park, trail, and facility users. Renters may not deny access to the public parking lots or the park. Vehicles must not be driven on park land. Event parking is limited to 64 spaces, please encourage guests to carpool, or and other modes of transportation. Respect appropriate handicapped parking spots and designated fire lane.

    Is there a designated smoking area at Aspen Hall?

    No. BPRD parks and facilities are smoke-free. The use of tobacco or other drugs is prohibited.

    Are candles allowed at Aspen Hall?

    No. Candles or flame producing devices are not allowed on the property, with the exception of Sterno fuel containers when used to heat catering dishes and only when the table or countertop is protected from heat or flame. The use of battery operated candles is encouraged.

    Are sparklers/fireworks allowed at Aspen Hall?

    No. Possessing, discharging or using any kind of firework or other pyrotechnic device at Aspen Hall, Shevlin Park, or on any other BPRD property is strictly prohibited.

    Know your surroundings. Whether accidental or intentional, people start wildfires every year in Central Oregon, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to suppress and endangering lives and our natural resources.

    How do I get my security deposit back?

    The security deposit is refunded on the condition that the Facility Cleaning Requirements / Requisitos de Lipieza en Los Salones de BPRD have been met and no damage has been done to the facility. BPRD will review the post-event custodial report and determine the need to refund or withhold all or part of the $500 security deposit. Refunds may take one to two billing cycles to post to the renters account.


    <iframe src=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/793038926?h=d42c714eee&amp;badge=0&amp;autopause=0&amp;player_id=0&amp;app_id=58479″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen title=”Aspen Hall virtual tour”></iframe>

    <iframe src=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/793104091?h=36c321f00a&amp;badge=0&amp;autopause=0&amp;player_id=0&amp;app_id=58479″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen title=”Recorrido virtual del Sal&amp;oacute;n Aspen Hall en espa&amp;ntilde;ol”></iframe>

Steps to Making a Reservation

Person(s) renting Aspen Hall must be at least 21 years of age.

  1. Check the online Rental Calendar for availability (reservations can be made 18 months in advance).
  2. Complete the Rental Hall Request Form / Solicitud de Reserva de Salones.
  3. Please allow at least three business days for BPRD to review request forms. Once the request form has been reviewed, BPRD will contact the primary patron listed with further information and next steps for booking. All request forms are responded to in the order they are received.

For more information, please contact

Rentals & Events

Tel: (541) 706-6149

Email: FacilityRentals@bendparksandrec.org