
Pine Nursery Park – Phase 5

63100 Northeast Purcell Boulevard, Bend, OR, USA

Project Phase


Project Overview

Pine Nursery Park is a large 159-acre community park located in northeast Bend. This project will construct the remaining features identified in the approved development plan for this highly used park.

Project work may include athletic field lighting, artificial turf infields, pickleball courts, pedestrian trail lighting, ADA access improvements, off-leash dog area improvements, maintenance and infrastructure improvements, full-court basketball, irrigation and landscaping. The project will not impact the disc golf course, playground or shelter/restrooms, fishing pond, Timbers fields, sand volleyball courts, or existing pickleball courts.

Construction is anticipated to begin Summer 2025.

63000 NE Purcell Blvd.

$8.78 million

System Development Charges and Alternative funding

Summer 2026

Contact Information

For more information on the Pine Nursery Park – Phase 5, please contact

Bronwen Mastro
Landscape Architect

January 2023 – RFP for a design consultant published

March 19, 2024 – Board of directors approve preferred concept design

April 4, 2024 – Design Consultant contract awarded

February 2025 – Application submitted for a Travel Oregon Grant (if awarded, the grant money will help fund existing path renovations and new paths that will improve access and connectivity)

What is the history of Pine Nursery Park’s development phases?

The property was acquired in 2004, requiring two acts of Congress. A phased plan was created and the amenities enjoyed today were developed over time.

  • Phase 1 – South side fields, park entry and central parking, pumphouse, pond, off-leash dog area and perimeter trail
  • Phase 2 – North side paving/parking lot and infrastructure, pickleball courts
  • Phase 3 – Shelter, restrooms, dugouts and shades, off-leash area expansion, playground
  • Phase 4 – Partner-built amenities including turf fields and sand volleyball courts
  • Phase 5 –  Current phase

Will there be public outreach for Phase 5 of the project?

BPRD began an extensive outreach process in 2002 for the design and development of Pine Nursery Park. The process created the Phased Plan (formerly known as the Master Plan) and each phase completes all the amenities over time that were planned through the outreach process and approved by Deschutes County in the conditional use permit.

There will not be additional input gathered at this time, but BPRD always welcomes feedback or questions on current projects.

Will additional sport courts be added with this phase?

Additional sport courts are among the amenities being considered for Phase 5 of Pine Nursery Park. Decisions will be informed by community recreation needs survey data, funding availability, activity compatibility with other park uses and other factors.

Will field lighting be added with this phase?

Field lighting is also being considered for this final phase of Pine Nursery Park. BPRD has very few lit fields across the community but they do enable the extended use of fields into evening hours and/or fall season in some cases. If lighting is installed, it will follow BPRD standard practices to meet dark sky requirements.

What is the relationship with outside groups at Pine Nursery Park?

Many amenities and activities that are provided to the community are supported through partnerships with local groups. Pine Nursery Park currently includes pickleball courts, artificial turf fields, and sand volleyball courts because of partnerships that resulted in development of these amenities quickly for the community to use and enjoy.

Each group works under a signed agreement with BPRD for the design, construction, and use of the amenity. The agreements also ensure public access because of the location within the park. To learn more about the partnerships at Pine Nursery, visit the park webpage.

Will pedestrian access be added from Deschutes Market Road into the park?

Pedestrian access into the park is currently planned for the project; however, the design phase is early and the amenity must be thoughtfully planned and built to accessibility standards. For everyone’s safety, we ask park users to continue to use existing access points to the park.

Why does the Bend Pickleball Club receive reserved court space?

The Bend Pickleball Club raised over 60% of the funds to construct the 16 pickleball courts at Pine Nursery Park at a time when pickleball in Bend was in its infancy and popularity was nowhere near what it is today. The pickleball club also performs the ongoing cleaning and light maintenance of the courts, so they are in excellent condition for all to enjoy. The purpose of the facility then and now is to provide a home for organized club play and events, and drop-in community access.

When does the Bend Pickleball Club have use of the courts?
April – October: Monday – Saturday, 7:00 am – 2:00 pm
November – March: Monday – Saturday, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Are there courts available for public drop-in use during Bend Pickleball Club time?

Yes. Courts 1-4 are open for drop-in use during all pickleball club-organized play times listed above with the exception of a few tournaments annually. Outside of club play times, all courts are open for drop-in use.

Will the Bend Pickleball Club reserved times continue to expand?

The pickleball club-reserved times are currently capped until additional courts are available to ensure there is no reduction in drop-in access.

Does Bend Park & Recreation District have plans for additional pickleball courts?

The district is currently considering constructing additional courts to Pine Nursery during the final phase of the park’s development to support both open drop-in use and Bend Pickleball Club use. Decisions will be informed by community recreation needs survey data, funding availability, activity compatibility with other park uses and other factors. The district continues to explore other sites for pickleball courts; however, noise and parking considerations limit options.