Bend Park and Recreation District

- fitness & swim
- parks & trails
Work for BPRD
Now hiring full-time
seasonal landscapers.
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request an interview.Work for BPRD
Now hiring full-time
seasonal landscapers.
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request an interview.Work for BPRD
Now hiring full-time
seasonal landscapers.
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request an interview.
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- Public Health Advisory: COVID-19
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- Pool Cover Update
- Contact Information
- How To Register
- Air Quality and Operations
- Delays and Cancellations Report
- Accessibility
- Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
- Board of Directors & Meeting Info
- Lost and Found
- Recreation Scholarships
- Servicios en Español
- Planning and Development
- Employment
- Volunteer with BPRD
- Public Health Advisory: COVID-19
Rec Skate
Winter Solstice Celebration | The Pavilion
Friday, December 20 6:00PM - 8:30PM
venue: The Pavilion, 1001 SW Bradbury Wy, Bend, OR 97702

Bend Park and Recreation District’s ice rink will celebrate the shortest day of the year with a Winter Solstice Celebration. With twinkling lights to welcome winter’s delights, ice skaters will enjoy treats and a special figure skating performance by Bend Ice Figure Skating Club.
- Attendees are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food donation for NeighborImpact to receive the discounted fee
- Admission: $7 with food donation, including skate rental
- Bend Ice Figure Skating show starts at 7 pm.
NeighborImpact’s Food Bank welcomes any non-perishable food donations, but especially needs these nutritious foods: pasta, canned vegetables, canned tuna, canned fruit, soups and ready to eat meals.
Bend Park and Recreation District’s ice rink will celebrate the shortest day of the year with a Winter Solstice Celebration. With twinkling lights to welcome winter’s delights, ice skaters will enjoy treats and a special figure skating performance by Bend Ice Figure Skating Club.
- Attendees are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food donation for NeighborImpact to receive the discounted fee
- Admission: $7 with food donation, including skate rental
- Bend Ice Figure Skating show starts at 7 pm.
NeighborImpact’s Food Bank welcomes any non-perishable food donations, but especially needs these nutritious foods: pasta, canned vegetables, canned tuna, canned fruit, soups and ready to eat meals.
The Pavilion, 1001 SW Bradbury Wy, Bend, OR 97702