Bend Park and Recreation District

- fitness & swim
- parks & trails
Work for BPRD
Now hiring full-time
seasonal landscapers.
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request an interview.Work for BPRD
Now hiring full-time
seasonal landscapers.
Learn more and
request an interview.Work for BPRD
Now hiring full-time
seasonal landscapers.
Learn more and
request an interview.
- activities
By Category (A-M)
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- about
- Contact Information
- How To Register
- Air Quality and Operations
- Delays and Cancellations Report
- Accessibility
- Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
- Board of Directors & Meeting Info
- Lost and Found
- Recreation Scholarships
- Servicios en Español
- Planning and Development
- Employment
- Volunteer with BPRD
- Public Health Advisory: COVID-19
- Register
- Overview
- Features
- Fees
- Rules
- Schedules & Events
- Swimming
- Fitness
- Parties & Rentals
- Childcare
- Pool Cover Update
- Contact Information
- How To Register
- Air Quality and Operations
- Delays and Cancellations Report
- Accessibility
- Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
- Board of Directors & Meeting Info
- Lost and Found
- Recreation Scholarships
- Servicios en Español
- Planning and Development
- Employment
- Volunteer with BPRD
- Public Health Advisory: COVID-19
Rec Skate
Not’Cho Grandma’s Bingo | All Ages with Adult
Sunday, April 06 10:00AM - 12:00PM
venue: Silver Moon Brewing 24 NW Greenwood Ave, Bend, OR 97703

Fundraising event hosted by the Bend Park and Recreation Foundation
Join the Bend Park and Recreation Foundation for a fabulously fun-packed morning of bingo! Proceeds from this high-energy event will support recreation scholarships and help provide the resources needed for people to take part in Bend Park and Recreation District programs and activities. Reservations are recommended! Bingo events often sell out. Attendees purchase bingo card bundles for $30 and will have the opportunity to participate in other great fundraising activities during the event. Thank you to The YOUNI Movement and Silver Moon Brewing for supporting this opportunity. Reserve your table or seat today – you won’t want to miss this event!
- Doors open at 9:30 a.m.
- Event 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Fundraising event hosted by the Bend Park and Recreation Foundation
Join the Bend Park and Recreation Foundation for a fabulously fun-packed morning of bingo! Proceeds from this high-energy event will support recreation scholarships and help provide the resources needed for people to take part in Bend Park and Recreation District programs and activities. Reservations are recommended! Bingo events often sell out. Attendees purchase bingo card bundles for $30 and will have the opportunity to participate in other great fundraising activities during the event. Thank you to The YOUNI Movement and Silver Moon Brewing for supporting this opportunity. Reserve your table or seat today – you won’t want to miss this event!
- Doors open at 9:30 a.m.
- Event 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Silver Moon Brewing 24 NW Greenwood Ave, Bend, OR 97703