Program Credit and Refund Policy

We know that situations and plans can change and we encourage you to cancel as soon as you can to avoid additional costs and to free up program space for others. Cancellations can be made online through your BPRD registration website account, or by talking to customer service staff by phone or in person at any district facility. The online capability is intended to provide more flexibility if an individual or household’s situation necessitates a change or cancellation.

Program registrations: As of April 5, 2022, you may cancel a program at any time and are encouraged to do so as soon as possible to make space available for others. Credits and refunds will be granted as follows:
Within 48 hours of registering: 100% of program fee
15 days or more before program start date: 90% of program fee
7-14 days before program start date: 75% of program fee
6 days or less before program start: No credit or refund. It is extremely difficult to fill cancelled spaces with short notice.
After program start date/time: No credits, refunds or prorating of fees will be given for missed portions or early withdrawals.

How do I cancel a registration?

April 10 Update: BPRD has recently launched a new user interface (UI) on the registration website.

  • The “How to Cancel” instructions below will be updated soon to best support the new experience.
  • You can learn more about the new UI features and how to use the website on the New User Experience webpage.

Please check back and contact our Customer Service team at 541-389-7275 for assistance if needed. Thank you for your understanding.

Registration Cancellation Online Instructions:
Image of blue registrationbutton from BPRD's navigation menu.
  • Log into your account.
  • Click on “My Account” on top of the page then under “History & Balances” click on “Cancellations.”
    (shown below.)
a screenshot of the history and balances menu on the BPRD registration website
  • The screen will show programs available to cancel.
    (shown below.)
a screenshot of the available to cancel page
  • Click the ‘Cancel Item’ box to the left of the program you’d like to cancel.
    (shown above.)
  • Click “Proceed to Check Out” button at bottom.
screenshot of the cancellation checkout
  • On Summary of Charges screen, select your choice of refund to credit card or credit to household account with drop-down menu at “Select a refund method.” (shown above.)
  • Then select Complete, at the bottom of the screen.
  • You’re all done with your cancellation and will see a transaction confirmation window. (shown below.)
    • A confirmation receipt is emailed to you.
    • You can also navigate to My Account/Reprint/Reprint a Receipt to see your record/receipt. Print or save the PDF if needed.
  • Using the buttons at the top of the page, you can log out of your account or continue shopping.
screenshot of the cancellation confirmation
Click to download How do I cancel a regirstration? PDF instructions.

What if BPRD cancels a program?

BPRD may cancel, combine or reschedule programs due to low enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances. A minimum of three-day notice will usually be provided. Full credit or refund will be provided for cancelled classes or if you are unable to attend a rescheduled program.

Programs cancelled due to weather conditions or facility closures will be rescheduled when feasible. If rescheduling is not possible, a prorated credit will be issued to account for reduced program time. Sport leagues will be prorated for games missed.

Why has the cancellation policy changed?

BPRD programs are highly sought after and often fill up quickly. Cancellations, especially those that occur closer to the start of the program, often result in program spaces going unfilled. There are also administrative costs associated with cancellations.

The policy provides more equitable access to registration programs by encouraging patrons to sign up for only those programs they are certain to participate in, providing opportunities for others to register.

Out-of-District Fee Policy

Out-Of-District Fee Policy – The prices listed are the rates for residents of the Bend Park and Recreation District. Persons residing outside of the Bend Park and Recreation District boundaries are charged an additional 20% because they do not pay property taxes that support the District. If you need help determining if you live inside or outside the District boundaries, please enter your address into the district map or call us at (541) 389-7275.

Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Privacy

Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices. This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on the Bend Park & Recreation District website.

The Way We Use Information
We use the information you provide about yourself or your family to deliver recreation programs, facility passes and rentals. We never sell this information to outside parties. We never share this information with outside parties except very limited, program specific information that is needed by those actually delivering the recreation program you have registered for or as required by applicable law. Outside contractors are not allowed to use this information for anything other than what is necessary to deliver that particular recreation program.

We use return email addresses to answer the email we receive and to provide additional information about recreation programs you may be interested in and other district communications. Such addresses are not shared with outside parties.

We use non-identifying and aggregate information to better design our communications and our programs.

Finally, we never use or share the personally identifiable information provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described above without also providing you an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.

Our Commitment to Data Security
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

How You Can Access or Correct Your Information
You can access all your personally identifiable information that we collect online and maintain by logging into your account and selecting My Account / Change Household Data or Change Family Member Data.

Política de Privacidad en Español

Política de Reembolsos y Devolución de Dinero:

Los reembolsos o devolución de dinero se realizan fácilmente si nos notifican siete días antes que empiece el programa en el cual se inscribió. Si pagó en efectivo, se le envía un cheque o si pagó con tarjeta, el dinero regresa a su tarjeta de banco. Si nos notifica en menos de siete días que empiece determinado programa, solo se devuelve el dinero a su cuenta de BPRD. No se devuelve el dinero a su tarjeta o cuenta de BPRD si nos notifica con dos días o menos de anticipación. Las tarifas del programa no se reembolsan o prorratean para los participantes que pierden parte de los programas.

Costo de Programas para Residentes que viven fuera del Distrito de Bend

Los precios regulares son para los residentes del Distrito de Bend Park and Recreation. Las personas que residen fuera de los límites de Bend Park and Rec. District deben pagar un 20% adicional porque sus impuestos a la propiedad no aportan al Distrito. Si necesita ayuda para determinar si vive dentro de los límites del distrito; por favor ingrese su dirección en el mapa del distrito o llámenos al (541)-389-7275. Para servicios en español llame al (541)706-1212.

Nuestro Compromiso de Confidencialidad:

Su privacidad es importante para nosotros. Para proteger mejor su privacidad, proporcionamos este aviso que explica nuestras prácticas de información en línea. Este aviso se aplica a toda la información recopilada o enviada a la página de internet del Distrito.

¿Cómo usamos su información?

Usamos su información y la de su familia para ofrecer programas de recreación, pases y alquiler de nuestros centros de recreación. Nunca le vendemos su información a terceros y nunca la compartimos a terceros, a excepción de información muy limitada y específica del programa, necesaria para quienes están ofreciendo el programa de recreación en el que usted se ha inscrito de acuerdo a ley. Los contratistas externos no pueden usar esta información para otros fines, solo la utilizarán para ofrecer el programa de recreación.

Sus correos electrónicos los usamos para responder correos que recibimos y proporcionamos información sobre programas de recreación en los cuales usted pueda estar interesado y otras vías de comunicación. La dirección de sus domicilios no se comparte con terceros.

Usamos su información no identificable para mejorar el diseño de nuestras comunicaciones y programas.

Finalmente, nosotros nunca usamos o compartimos su información de identificación personal que nos haya proporcionado en línea con otra finalidad que no hayamos descrito anteriormente y sin darle la oportunidad de optar por no participar o prohibir dichos usos.

Nuestro compromiso con la seguridad de datos

Para prevenir el acceso no autorizado, mantener la precisión de los datos y asegurar el uso correcto de la información, hemos establecido procedimientos físicos, electrónicos y administrativos apropiados para salvaguardar y asegurar la información que recolectamos en línea.

¿Cómo puede acceder y corregir su información?

Usted puede acceder a toda su información de identificación personal que recopilamos en línea al iniciar una sesión en su cuenta de BPRD y seleccionar My Account o Change Household Data (Cambiar la información de su familia) o Change Family Member Data (Cambiar los datos de los miembros de su familia).

¿Cómo se puede comunicar con nosotros?

Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes sobre estas políticas de privacidad; por favor, comuníquese con nosotros al (541) 389-7275 o envíenos un correo electrónico a
Customer Support

Para servicios en español llamar al (541)706-1212 o enviar un correo electrónico a
servicios en espanol.

How to Contact Us

Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies, please call us at (541) 389-7275 or send an email to Customer Service. .