Then 2025 Community Recreation Survey is now closed; results will be shared at a later date.

2025 Community Recreation Survey

Bend Park and Recreation District is updating its Recreation Programming Plan to ensure that future recreation activities and resources continue to align with community needs and priorities. A community Recreation Survey will help the district better understand residents’ desires for organized recreation services. Here are the steps we take in our process to assess community needs and prioritize our offerings:

Step One: Mail Survey

A statistically valid survey was distributed to 5,000 household mailboxes in January 2025. Questions asked include what types of recreation programs and services residents currently utilize and want for their household and for the broader community and where priorities should be placed. The district encourages anyone who receives the mail survey to fill it out and provide their valuable insights.

Step Two: Open Survey

An online survey invites all residents to provide feedback and input until February 25, 2025.  The online survey gives all residents an opportunity to provide feedback, and responses will be included in the final report to be completed by April 2025.

The online survey is available now through February 24, 2025 at:

Step Three: Survey Results

The survey results will be tabulated and provide critical information in determining community values, needs and priorities, to help guide the district’s recreation planning efforts for the next 5 years.

Step Four: Recreation Programming Plan Development

A new Recreation Programming Plan will be developed to guide district recreation priorities for the next five years. The plan will draw on information gained from the community Recreation Survey results, participation and visitation data in district programs and facilities, community demographics and trends and feedback from ongoing district program evaluations.


BPRD’s last community recreation survey was conducted in 2018. Since that time, Larkspur Community Center has been added to the district’s offerings –– and the population and recreation options in the community have both grown considerably.

For more information contact:

Matt Mercer
Director of Recreation
Email Matt Mercer