Updated recreation center fees and pass options begin June 19

May 31, 2024

Fees will change with the start of the summer season on June 19. There have only been two fee adjustments in eight years – in 2021 and 2016 – so we try to keep increases infrequent and aligned with costs of operating the facilities.

As of June 19, single-visit fees are increasing $1 at Juniper Swim and Fitness Center and Larkspur Community Center. Multi-visit, monthly and annual fitness/swim passes are increasing an average of 9%. Passes will now provide access to public roller-skating times at no additional fee and 50% off public ice-skating times!

Also launching on June 19 is monthly auto-renewal passes and the return of the popular 3-month pass. Learn more below.

Operating expenses have increased substantially due to inflation. However, financial hardship should not prevent community members from benefiting from recreation facilities and activities. BPRD offers financial needs-based scholarships to qualified individuals and households. The district also works with a number of insurance providers to offer insurance-paid passes, especially for Medicare clients with a fitness benefit. Learn more about recreation scholarships and insurance-reimbursed passes.

Bend Park & Recreation District Fitness, Swim & Skate Passes – Effective June 19, 2024

Use for access to drop-in fitness classes, swim sessions, hot tub/spa features, fitness centers, indoor track and social activities at Juniper Swim & Fitness Center and Larkspur Community Center. Includes access to public roller skating sessions and 50% off public ice skating sessions at The Pavilion. (Skate rental is additional.) Does not include access to registration programs.

  In-District Passes 
Older Adult
Youth (3-18)
Honored Citizen
Single Visit $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 NA
10-Visit Pass $76.50 $68.00 $59.50 NA
Auto-Renewal Pass
$65.00 $50.00 $35.00 $120.00
3-Month Pass $195.00 $150.00 $105.00 $360.00
Annual Pass $624.00 $480.00 $336.00 $1,152.00



  • 10-Visit Pass: Save 15% off the single visit fee and gain the convenience of pre-paid admission. This pass does not expire and may also be used for guests in the same age category.
  • Monthly Auto-Renewal Pass: Enjoy unlimited use and the convenience of auto-renewal and monthly payments. A 3-month minimum is required after which you can cancel at any time. Auto-renewal is set up with a secured credit/debit card. Available June 19, 2024. Look for more information on June 12.
  • 3-Month Pass: Unlimited access and great option for the seasonal user or people who prefer not to enroll in auto-renewal. Available June 19, 2024.
  • Annual Pass: The best value for the year-round user with unlimited access for 12 months. Receive 20% off the monthly rate. Annual passes require full payment at time of purchase.
  • Partner Discount: Get a 10% discount on monthly auto-renewal, 3-month and annual passes when two family members in the same household purchase a pass at the same time.
  • Out-of-District (OD) Fee Policy: Persons living outside the district boundary pay 20% more for 10-visit, monthly, 3-month and annual passes.
  • Older Adult Rate*: Those born on or before December 31, 1961 will receive the older adult rate even though they may not be 65 years or older yet.
  • Effective Date: Pricing effective June 19, 2024.



Q: Are pass and single visit fees changing at the recreation facilities this summer?

A: Yes, fees will change with the start of the summer season on June 19, 2024.

Q: How much will fees increase?

A: Single-visit fees are increasing $1 at Juniper Swim and Fitness Center and Larkspur Community Center and 10-visit pass fees will still be 15% off the single-visit fee. Unlimited access passes are increasing an average of 9%.

At The Pavilion, single visit fees and multi-visit passes will be the same as Juniper and Larkspur fees and skate rental fees are increasing $1. Passes will now provide access to public roller skating at no additional fee and 50% off public ice skating.

Q: How does BPRD determine fees for recreation facilities?

A: The district evaluates and adjusts fees based on the cost of operating the facilities. The district strives to balance affordability and financial sustainability when considering fees.

BPRD recreation facilities recover around 70% of the direct operating costs through user fees. The remaining portion, approximately $2.25 million, is covered through general fund tax dollars. Tax dollars also support all capital improvements at recreation facilities.

Q: When was the last fee increase?

A: There have only been two fee adjustments in eight years. The last fee adjustment was in June 2021. The previous adjustment was in 2016.

Q: What has caused operating costs to increase?

A: Like most everything, the costs of operating recreations have increased substantially the past several years including our three biggest expenses: utilities, chemicals and personnel.  For example, utility rates have increased 45% over the past 3 years while pool chemical costs nearly doubled.

Q: How has growth in attendance affected fees and revenues?

A: The increase in use since the pandemic and the opening of Larkspur Community Center allowed us to delay a fee increase until this year, and keep the fee increase low as growth in use generates additional revenue. However, costs have increased at a faster pace than revenue so some fee increase is necessary.

Q: Can a patron pre-purchase before June 19?

A: Patrons can purchase up to three 10-visit passes and up to three monthly passes at the current rates if purchased prior to June 19.

Q: Are the adult social fee and passes at Larkspur Community Center increasing?

A: No, the adult social fee and passes will remain at the current rates. These activities are important to build and maintain social connections and will not be impacted by changes to the Fitness, Swim & Skate passes.

Q: What assistance is available for someone who cannot afford the fees?

A: The district believes that financial hardship should not prevent community members from benefiting from recreation facilities and activities. BPRD offers financial needs-based scholarships to qualified individuals and households that reduce the pass fees up to 50%.

The district also works with a number of insurance providers to offer insurance-paid passes, especially for Medicare clients with a fitness benefit.

Finally, the district partners with a number of non-profit and governmental agencies to support access for community members who may otherwise not be able to enjoy our recreation centers.


Q: What changes are coming for passes on June 19?

A: Beginning June 19, patrons can choose a flexible, convenient solution among new features and options:

    • 10-visit pass – a 15% discount off the single visit drop-in fee
    • Monthly auto-renewal pass – $2.17 per day for an adult, $1.67 for older adult, $1.17 for  youth
    • 3-month pass – same as the monthly auto-renewal rates
    • Annual pass – a 20% discount off the monthly autorenewal rate
    • Expanded value by adding skating benefits to fitness/swim passes

Q: How can I sign up for a monthly auto-renewal pass?

A: Monthly auto-renewal passes will be available beginning June 19, and you have until August 31 to update a current monthly pass for auto-renewal or choose another option. There are two ways to sign up for monthly auto-renewal:

    • You can log into your household account at register.bendparksandrec.org to sign up for the monthly autorenewal pass beginning June 19. It is quick and easy to sign up online in less than 5 minutes.
    • Alternatively, you can arrange for auto-renewal with the Customer Service team at a facility beginning June 19. Please be patient as they may be busy assisting others and you may have to prepare for extra time on an upcoming visit.

Q: How does the monthly auto-renewal pass work?

A: Auto-renewal is set up with a credit and/or debit card. The district encrypts credit card information so you can be assured that information is secure. Your credit/debit card will be charged on the same day each month providing access for the next month. You can cancel your auto-renewal option at any time either online or in-person after the initial 3-month period. Your pass will be terminated at the time of cancellation and will be prorated for any portion remaining. In the event that your payment is declined, your pass will be suspended until the issues are resolved and payment is received.

Q: Why the change in the pass structure to monthly auto-renewal and 3-month pass options?

A: A monthly auto-renewal option has been requested for many years. Auto-renewal creates convenience for passholders and district administrative efficiency, allowing our team to focus more on helping customers. The 3-month pass was a popular option in our previous pass structure and provides an alternate for those who prefer not to enroll in the auto-renewal option.

Q: Why is the monthly pass no longer offered without auto-renewal?

A: The pass offerings are intended to provide flexibility for patrons as well as for efficiency for staff processing. If a patron doesn’t want to sign up for auto-renewal the 3-month pass, annual pass or 10-visit passes are great options.

Q: Will I now be able to use my fitness/swim pass for skating at The Pavilion too?

A: Yes, your pass now has more value with more activities to do. The current fitness/swim pass will become a Fitness, Swim & Skate Pass and includes access to fitness centers, drop-in fitness classes, swim and roller skating as well as Larkspur Community Center social activities. For ice skating at The Pavilion, the Fitness, Swim & Skate pass offers a 50% discount on public skate session admission. Skate rentals are additional.