Recent Board Videos
Board meetings that are conducted virtually will be recorded and posted here for viewing.
Board meetings that are conducted virtually will be recorded and posted here for viewing.
The district’s Board of Directors is responsible for developing district goals and setting policy.
Work Session:
Work sessions are scheduled for the Board to receive and discuss information regarding district operations, projects and planning to aid in their decision-making process. The Board conducts its business during regular meetings to receive information and take action on district operations such as approving contracts, agreements, policies and procedures.
Business Session:
During a public meeting, the board may conduct a business session to make decisions, conduct business or direct action on behalf of the district. Board decisions can only be made in the business session with a motion and call for an open vote of each board member.
Executive Session:
The Board may meet in executive session pursuant to state statutes. Executive sessions are closed to all members of the public except for representatives of the news media.
The Board values public comment as an important component of effective governance of the district and welcomes it through in-person and electronic methods.
Work Session: The Board may choose to accept public comment on work session agenda items at the end of their discussion. Those who wish to address the Board regarding a work session item are asked to complete the public comment card and state their name and address at the beginning of their remarks. Visitors are asked to limit their remarks to three minutes.
Regular Meeting: The Board welcomes opinions and information from the public about district-related issues at Board meetings. Upon arrival at the meeting, please submit a comment card at the sign-in table. Speakers will have 3 minutes to speak. When invited to the podium, first state your name and if you live within the district. If there are questions to be answered, follow up will occur after the meeting. Due to time constraints, dialogue is not part of the public comment opportunity at meetings.
Written materials or letters related to in-person comments must be submitted at least 48 hours before the meeting to allow for review prior to the meeting. Otherwise, written materials will be provided to the Board following the meeting, which may be after Board action.
Email the Board.
Email Input: To contact district staff and Board of Director members, use the email link below. Specific director contact information can be found here.
Email distrcit staff and Board of Directors.
Note: Input submitted electronically becomes a public record and can be subject to an open records request; however, it is not entered into the board meeting record unless requested. Please keep comments intended as part of the board meeting record pertinent to the topics of the agenda; otherwise all subjects are welcome as a communication to the board.